Where Should Public EV Chargers Be Located?


Burlington Electric Department Wants to Hear from You!

As BED works to make EV charging easier and more accessible in Burlington, BED is seeking input from the Burlington community and visitors to Burlington about where BED should install new EV charging stations that will be open to the public. BED plans to install additional public EV chargers throughout the City, including Level 3 fast chargers, Level 2 dual-port, ground-mounted chargers, and potentially additional utility pole-mounted chargers. Everyone – renters, homeowners, business owners, people who already drive EVs, and those who may drive EVs in the future – is invited to share their ideas for helpful public EV charger locations.

BED especially is interested in sites that are:

  • Near places frequented by Burlingtonians and visitors to the City, such as shops, restaurants, schools, parks, and community centers;
  • In high-density, residential areas near homes where residents may not have access to off-street parking or “at-home” charging;
  • Well-lit; and
  • Close to CarShare Vermont parking spots, Green Mountain Transit stops, or other transportation hubs.

Suggestions may include public or private parking lots or on-street locations with angled, not parallel, parking. Locations must allow EV chargers to be available to the public 24 hours per day, seven days per week. BED will pay for all charger installation and maintenance for BED-owned public chargers. EV drivers will pay for charging under BED’s public EV charging tariff. BED will consider all ideas and evaluate them based on the above criteria, as well as the adequacy of on-site electric infrastructure and the possibility for future expansion.

New Charger Locations

Street address, business address, or intersection

Feel free to complete this form again to submit multiple ideas! Idea submission ends August 31, 2024.

Thank you for helping electrify Burlington with new EV charging!