Home EV Chargers
Wake up to a fully-charged EV every morning for the equivalent of 74¢ per gallon!*
Single-Family Homeowners
Rebate: Up to $900
We now offer a rebate of up to $900 for an EV charger. The amount of your rebate is determined by the EV you purchased or leased that will be using this charger. Please read the Terms & Conditions for more details.
Level 2 EV chargers may require an upgrade to your home’s electric panel. BED has teamed up with local banks to offer low financing rates for these upgrades.
We also offer EV charger rebates for Commercial and Multi-family Residential customers.
How To Receive Monthly Credit

- Purchase and install a ChargePoint Home Flex EV charger
- The ChargePoint Home Flex is currently the only model we support but are looking into adding more options in the future. The Home Flex is available at the following retailers.Enroll in the new EV Rate
- Follow the instructions for your EV Charger model below.
- ChargePoint Charger Enrollment Guide
- Step 3 does not apply to customer on the Flexible Load Option.
- ChargePoint Charger Enrollment Guide
- Follow the instructions for your EV Charger model below.
- The ChargePoint Home Flex is currently the only model we support but are looking into adding more options in the future. The Home Flex is available at the following retailers.Enroll in the new EV Rate
- ONLY charge during EV charging hours
- Follow the instructions below to avoid losing your monthly credit.
Don’t forget to fill out the Rebate Form to receive up to $900 back on your new charger and installation.
Important: Charge During EV Charging Hours Only
To receive the monthly EV charging credit, you may only charge your vehicle during EV charging hours. If at any time during your billing month you charge outside these times, you will not receive the 45% savings on your bill for the energy used to charge your EV.
We now offer two options for the EV Rate. Most customers who enrolled before January 1, 2025 are on the Fixed Schedule Option. If you would like to change your option, fill out the form below.
- Customers on the Flexible Load Option will be notified of peak events (a high-usage period of usually a few, but up to 10, hours). BED will contact your charging software to remotely turn off for that period.
- Customers on the Fixed Schedule Option are required to limit charging to 10pm to 12noon (the next day).
Important warning: Schedules set with ChargePoint chargers can be overridden by “double pumping.” This happens when the charger is connected to your vehicle during the peak period, disconnected, and then immediately plugged back in (within a few seconds). This can cause you to lose your monthly bill credit. ChargePoint recommends plugging your charger back into its holster before reconnecting to a vehicle’s charging port. Programming your vehicle to only charge during the off-peak hours may resolve the issue but may also require overriding this setting when charging elsewhere.
Understanding Your ChargePoint Charger
Keep an eye on the color and status of the station LED immediately before and after you plug in your EV:
- Green Light
- solid: ready to charge
- blinking: schedule is set
- Blue Light
- solid: car is plugged in
- pulsing: station is actively charging your car
- If you plug your EV in during the on-peak hours and the station starts pulsing blue, you have approximately 30sec. to remove the connector before enough energy is dispensed to void your credit for the billing cycle.
- Red Light
- contact ChargePoint Support
- White Light
- solid: charger is not connected to wi-fi
- blinking: your charger still needs to be activated
EV Rate Frequently Asked Questions
As noted below, some customers have been experiencing on-peak charging after they have programmed the charger to only charge during the off-peak hours. ChargePoint has not been able to fully resolve this issue yet, and BED has little or no ability to resolve ChargePoint software issues. The FAQ section below does provide some tips on how to possibly avoid this issue.
How much is the EV charging credit per kWh? How much will I save?
The EV Charging Credit is 7.9854¢ per kWh and will appear as a credit on your bill. This will lower the amount you pay to charge your EV to 9.4¢ per kWh or the equivalent to ~94¢ per gallon of gasoline. A customer who drives 10,000 miles in a year could save roughly $200 in charging expense.
How will the charging credit appear on my bill?
If you are eligible for the credit during a given billing period, you will see a line item for “EV CHARGING CREDIT.” If you are not eligible for the credit, this line item will not appear at all on your bill.
Who is eligible for the EV Rate?
Customers must be on the either the BED Residential Service (“RS”), Small General Service (“SG”), or Large General Service (“LG”) rate with the ability to install a qualifying EV charger behind their electric meter and connect the device to reliable WiFi.
How does the Flexible Load option work?
BED determines in the morning if a peak event (a high-usage period of usually a few, but up to 10, hours) should be called during the day. If we do, we call an event and send the hours of the event to ChargePoint, who will then pass them on to you based on your notification preference in the ChargePoint app. BED will contact your charging software to remotely turn off for that period. Because on many days BED does not call an event, and generally those events are less than 10 hours, it can be easier to charge during only EV Charging Hours on the Flexible Load option.
When should I charge my vehicle on the Fixed Schedule option?
To receive the monthly EV charging credit, customers must charge their EV during the hours that are specified as EV Charging Hours of 10 PM – 12 PM noon (next day) on the Fixed EV Hours option and hours you will be notified of with Flexible Load option.
If at any time during your billing month you charge outside these times, you will not receive the “EV Charging Credit” 45% savings on that month’s bill for the energy used to charge your EV.
Before you charge the first time, we recommend you set your device’s scheduling function to limit charging times.
How do I change the rate option that I am on?
Please fill out this form. Any option change will take effect for the entirety of your upcoming bill.
Why is the rate so strict that if one charging event occurs outside of the EV Charging Hours I lose all of my credits for that billing period?
EV chargers pull a lot of power from the grid in a short period of time. We are offering this special rate to encourage customers to use energy during off-peak hours. Spreading our city’s usage more evenly throughout the day helps us keep costs down.
How can I make sure I only charge during the EV Charging Hours?
There are a few ways to use technology to pre-schedule your charging times. The EV charger will have the ability to set a schedule in advance and many EVs have the ability to program a charging schedule as well.
What devices approved for which options in the EV Rate Tariff?
- Flexible Load Option: ChargePoint Home, ChargePoint Home Flex
- Fixed Schedule Option: ChargePoint Home, ChargePoint Home Flex
If I own a ChargePoint charger, how do I charge right away if I’m on a schedule?
If you have a charging schedule set and need to charge immediately, just plug in, unplug and plug back in within a few seconds to start charging right away if you do not want to charge off-peak.
If I own a ChargePoint charger and my car is charging during the on-peak hours what’s going on?
ChargePoint has indicated that an occurrence called “double pumping” can cause an off-peak schedule to be overridden. This happens when the charger is connected to your vehicle during the peak period, disconnected, and then immediately plugged back in (within a few seconds). This may also occur when plugging in from one EV to another. ChargePoint recommends plugging your charger back into its holster before reconnecting to a vehicle’s charging port.
Programming your vehicle to only charge during the off-peak hours may resolve the issue but may also require overriding this setting when charging elsewhere.
Will I need to connect the EV Charger to my home WiFi network?
Yes, devices will connect directly to your WiFi. Contact the device manufacturer for more information on the WiFi connection process.
Can we see our charging data?
It is likely that the device manufacturer (EV Charger or submeter) will have a dashboard or smartphone App to allow customers to view their charging behavior.
An EV Charger would be the first “internet of things” device that we have in our home. I am concerned about data security.
BED treats security and customer privacy with great importance. When working with outside companies, BED realizes that this is a concern and makes sure that these companies have standards in place to protect our customers from the threat of cybersecurity and privacy related issues. The Internet of Things era is bringing a great deal of exciting new capabilities, but it is also making new vulnerabilities that will be difficult for BED to control. While we are working with companies that have standards in place to protect our customers, BED will not be able to have complete oversight on how these companies secure their devices and protect customer data.
Will I need an electrician to install the EV charger? How do I find an Electrician?
You will need an electrician to install the EV charger. BED would recommend searching online to find an electrician in this area and calling to schedule an appointment.
What is the total estimated installation cost (EV Charger + Contractor)?
Costs can vary depending on your electrical wiring and the amount of room in your electrical panel. Estimates have ranged from $200-$700. BED would recommend contacting your electrician for a quote.
If I am a customer who already owns an EV and qualifying EV Charger, am I eligible for the EV rate?
If you have installed a BED-approved EV charger and have met the terms and conditions of the rate you will be eligible for the EV rate.
If I am a customer who already owns an EV and a non-qualifying EV Charger, what are my options?
As we are planning on continuing to add chargers and metering solutions to this rate, please get in touch with our Energy Services Team with information about your charger. BED has an existing Time-Of-Use rate that would incentivize you to charge during off-peak hours but it might not save you money due to its increased customer charge and some hours being more expensive under that rate.
If I sign up mid-bill-cycle, will my EV rate be prorated on my bill or do I have to wait for a full billing period?
Customers will get a credit for the period of the billing cycle that they became enrolled in the EV Rate.
EV Rate Option Change
If you would like to change your EV Rate Option, please fill out the form below.
Read the Tariff Sheet for the EV Rate.
* The equivalence of 74¢ per gallon is based on the following: 25 MPG fossil fuel vehicle; 30kWh/100mi EV efficiency; and BED’s EV rate.
Electric Panel Upgrades
With the growing popularity of heat pumps, electric vehicles, and other electric appliances, some Burlingtonians may soon reach the limits of their current electric panel. Upgrading your panel to accommodate your current and future needs — and help the city’s Net Zero Energy goal — requires some preparation. Burlington Electric Department can help you navigate this process.
Where To Begin
Call a licensed electrician. Any work done on your electric panel must be done by a licensed electrician. Burlington Electric Department recommends our partners in Vermont’s Efficiency Excellence Network. They have the expertise to deliver the highest-quality services to our customers. Note that workforce constraints are impacting contractor availability so we recommend contacting multiple professionals to compare pricing and project timelines.
Your electrician will contact Burlington Electric Department. Because your electric panel is inside your home (“behind the meter”), you will be responsible for hiring the electrician. However, you will still need to coordinate with BED on a few points like temporarily shutting off the power to your property while your electrician switches over from the old panel to the new panel. Your electrician is best qualified to speak to our team on your behalf.
There may be a charge from BED for the upgrade. In addition to your electrician’s fees, Burlington Electric Department may need to charge for the upgrades to our infrastructure to accommodate your property’s increased needs. This will be determined upon receiving and reviewing the Contractor Application submitted to BED by the electrician.
Several local credit unions are now offering exceptionally low rates on financing for panel upgrades in addition to their special rates on heat pumps and electric vehicles.
GMCU | BED Renewable Energy Loan |
Opportunities Credit Union | Home Improvement Loan (EV) Home Energy Loan (HP) |
Vermont Federal Credit Union | Energy Efficiency Home Improvement Loan |
EastRise | Green Loans |
Weatherization Repayment Assistance Program (WRAP)
The Weatherization Repayment Assistance Program (WRAP) allows homeowners and renters to finance qualifying weatherization projects like insulation and air sealing, as well as heat pumps and advanced wood heating systems, with repayment through a monthly charge on their utility bill. Learn more.